WordPress Basics: Posts & Pages

This is the first installment of a new section of my blog: WordPress basics.

When I create a WordPress website for my clients,  and the site goes live, they will typically take over the task of maintaining their site. And more often than not they have not used WordPress before and I  have to decide if I give an extended lesson, or I write a Wiki, or send them a book or email them links to the WordPress Codex, so that they can learn to run their own site and find out the little in’s and outs of making WordPress work for them.

So I thought , why not start writing a simple intro to WordPress and how to use it as a handy reference for all. Yes, you can find all of this information in various places on the Internets, and especially on the WordPress Codex, but I will try to gather the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

At the moment I do not have comments enabled, because I simply don’t have time to deal with them (or the spam), but I might consider adding them in the future. You can always email me with suggestions and feedback.

So here for your reading pleasure is the first installment:

WordPress Post and Pages

When you add something to your WordPress blog or website, most of the time it will be in the form of a post. But you can also create a new page. What is the difference? I have created this nifty graphic for you to see where you can find the posts and pages.


  • Posts are entries listed in reverse chronological order.
  • Post are generally used for your blog entries or for latest news
  • Posts can be found in the Archives, Categories, Recent Posts, and other widgets.
  • Posts are also displayed in the RSS feed of the blog.


  • Pages are static and are not listed by date or author.
  • Pages do not use tags or categories.
  • Pages can be displayed in the sidebar using the Pages widget,

How many can I have?

There is no limit on the number of posts or pages you can have.

How do I create a Page?

  • Log into your WordPress account
  • In left hand column of your dashboard you will find the controls for posts and pages.
  • Click on “posts” to display a list of all your posts.
  • Click on”Add New” and a blank post window will appear.
  • Add your title and the content and click the big, blue “publish” button in the right hand column of your dashboard window. And you’re done!